
1- How do we open our wedding list?

Communicate with us: 011 5275.6123/ info@aynic.com.ar

2- When do we have to open our list?

We reccomend to open it at least 3 months before the celebration.

3- Which are de benefits in opening your list in www.aynic.com.ar?

-You can gather all your credit in just one place.
-In aynic.com.ar, we work with excellent stores, which differ in qualitity and variety.
-You can use your credit to buy in our stores or take part or the whole of your credit in cash.
-We have benefits and discounts in suppliers related to your wedding.

6- Which is your account number and information?

7- Prices

All prices include IVA tax.

4- How do I make a gift through www.aynic.com.ar?

a) Search the wedding list to whom you want to make a present by entering www.aynic.com> GUESTS. There you’ll be able to choose the couple and see the gifts they chose. You can arrange them by price, category or store.
b) Once you choose a gift you should click on “buy”.
c) You will have previously, to log in.
d) There are many ways to make your payment: online credit card (national and international), wire transfer, rapipago/ pagofacil, free charge collect in Capital Federal, phone purchase.

8- Does the credit card purchase have any recharge?

Yes, 6.99% approximately.

9- Billing and receipt.

AYNIC considera el regalo realizado por los invitados como un depósito/donación a favor del homenajeado, para que utilicen el importe del mismo en la adquisición de regalos o efectúen la donación acordada.

AYNIC enviará por mail un recibo (por cuenta y orden de terceros) por el regalo o donación realizado, legalmente no está capacitado para emitir facturas. Si se efectúan compras, las facturas son emitidas en los locales donde se efectúen las mismas.

10- How do I know that my purchase was accepted?

When the purchase is done, you will receive an email with your confirmation order.